New Hampshire Farm Bureau First Vice-President Joyce Brady leads a discussion on policy resolutions at this year’s House of Delegates Meeting alongside NHFB President Denis Ward.
On Saturday, November 7, the New Hampshire Farm Bureau (NHFB) “House of Delegates” consisting of 23 representatives of the county Farm Bureau organizations met at The Johnson Barn in Northwood to elect NHFB officers and set NHFB policy for the coming year. Those elected were:
President – Denis Ward, Monroe
First Vice-President – Joyce Brady, Columbia
Second Vice-President – Tom McElroy, Newton
Second Vice-President – Jay Phinizy, Acworth
Treasurer – Howard Pearl, Loudon
All were re-elected with the exception of Jay Phinizy, who was elected to a vacant seat on the Board. They will be joined on the NHFB Executive Committee by Associated Women’s President Elaine Moore from Westmoreland and Young Farmer Committee Co-Chairs Ammy Rice from Milford and Amelia Aznive from Concord. President Denis Ward was also elected to serve as NHFB’s Delegate to the American Farm Bureau Federation annual meeting being held remotely this coming January.
In addition, the Delegates approved 19 of 25 proposed policy resolutions and/or changes to the existing NHFB policy document proposed by county Farm Bureau membership or NHFB Committees. These included policies dealing with enhancing meat processing options and encouraging milk production in the state as well as support for a state law limiting the liability of farmers providing agritourism activities to the public. Currently 31 states have agritourism immunity laws on the books. Newly adopted resolutions will be printed in the next edition of The Communicator.