Achievement Award winner Adam Crete of Boscawen with Beth Hodge of Hinsdale. Adam will represent New Hampshire at the American Farm Bureau annual meeting in San Diego this January.
Concord, N.H. – November 8, 2014 – Winners of the Young Farmer Achievement Award were announced at the New Hampshire Farm Bureau Federation 99th annual meeting last night. Young Farmers from around the state competed for awards by demonstrating knowledge of and achievement in agriculture, as well as commitment to promoting the agriculture industry.
Adam and Patricia Crete of Highway View Farm in Boscawen won the Achievement Award and will represent New Hampshire at the American Farm Bureau Federation convention in San Diego, C.A. this January. In addition to the expense paid trip courtesy of the New Hampshire Farm Bureau, the couple will receive the use of a Kubota M Series utility tractor for six months or 250 hours, thanks to Kubota Tractor Corporation and Pinnacleview Equipment in Walpole. The Cretes also won a monetary prize of $200, courtesy of Poulin Grain.
The Cretes milk 220 Holstein cows and manage over 700 acres of forage land. The farm is a landmark in Boscawen and is well known in the area. They utilize advanced technologies available and had the farm’s cover crops seeded by helicopter this past August.
For the Cretes, taking home this award is a tribute to their hard work. “It’s an honor to receive the Achievement Award and it’s nice to be appreciated for what we do,” said Adam. “I’m looking forward to representing New Hampshire in San Diego.”
The Achievement Award recognizes Young Farmers between the ages of 18 to 35 who have excelled in their farming operation and exhibit superior leadership abilities. Participants are evaluated on a combination of their agricultural operation’s growth, Farm Bureau and community leadership.